What is Geocaching you ask?? It's a World Wide Treasure Hunt! No, there's no money involved. But there are interesting places, deductive reasoning skills, orienteering, etc. that kind of thing involved! Great for a homeschooler or anyone interested in just doing something different that watching tv, playing video games, going to the movies, etc. It will get you out an moving! (Albeit moving and driving and moving and driving, etc. : )
Geocaching is a worldwide game of seeking treasure. A geocacher can locate a geocache anywhere in the world with the help of a GPS or GPS-enabled mobile device and GPS coordinates that are listed online. It’s one of the world’s fastest growing live, recreational social media activities.
The history of geocaching can be found at www.geocaching.com/about/history.aspx.
Rules for Geocaching
If you take something from the cache, leave something of equal or greater value.
Write about your find in the cache logbook.
Log your experience at www.geocaching.com.
Millions of people geocache in nearly every country on Earth. Geocachers are families with children, retired individuals and grandparents, hikers, explorers, and outdoors-people. Geocaching appeals to such a diverse range of people because it’s adaptable, depending on what sort of adventure a participant is seeking. Cache listings on Geocaching.com include difficulty and terrain ratings (1/1 – the easiest and 5/5 – the most difficult) to help geocachers choose a cache that is right for them.
Millions of people geocache in nearly every country on Earth. Geocachers are families with children, retired individuals and grandparents, hikers, explorers, and outdoors-people. Geocaching appeals to such a diverse range of people because it’s adaptable, depending on what sort of adventure a participant is seeking. Cache listings on Geocaching.com include difficulty and terrain ratings (1/1 – the easiest and 5/5 – the most difficult) to help geocachers choose a cache that is right for them.
In its simplest form, a cache always contains a logbook or logsheet. The logbook contains information from the owner of the cache and notes from visitors. When geocachers return from an adventure, they can log their finds on an online cache page, creating a dynamic community and social network.
Larger geocaches may also contain any number of more or less valuable items. These items turn the cache into a true treasure hunt. A geocacher never knows what the owner or other visitors of the cache may have left there to enjoy.
Quite often, geocachers may also find a Trackable. The most common types of Groundspeak Trackables are Travel Bugs® and Geocoins. A Groundspeak Travel Bug is a trackable tag that attaches to an item, and which geocachers move from geocache to geocache. Each tag is etched with a unique code, which the finder can use to log its travels on the website.
Geocoins are trackable coins created by geocachers to commemorate special events, or as a signature item to leave in geocaches. They function like Travel Bugs, and should be moved from cache to cache unless otherwise specified by their owners.
People of all ages seek caches, so geocachers should think carefully before placing an item into a cache. Explosives, ammunition, knives, drugs and alcohol should never be placed in a cache, and everyone should respect the local laws.
Food items are always a bad idea. Animals have better noses than humans, and in some cases, caches have been chewed through and destroyed because of food items or other scented items in a cache.
It is common for geocachers to hide caches in locations of great natural beauty or personal importance. Geocache locations can be quite diverse – from beaches to mountaintops to urban areas. Before heading out on an adventure, geocachers should make sure to read the cache descriptions carefully, especially the difficulty and terrain ratings, as some cache finds can be technical and physically challenging.
For example, a geocache may be located on the side of a cliff and require rock climbing equipment, or may be underwater and accessible only by SCUBA. Geocaches located in cities are often incredibly small, so that people walking by don’t notice them. The cache page helps geocachers understand any special equipment or skills they might need to find a geocache and will often specify the cache size.
Geocachers should not move a cache from its original location. If a geocacher feels that the cache is not located in the correct location, he can e-mail the cache owner directly or post a log on the cache detail page, notifying the owner of the concern. It’s the owner’s responsibility to maintain cache placement.
Before considering where to hide their first geocache, geocachers should find a variety of caches in their area to familiarize themselves with the activity. Then, they should review the Guide to Hiding a Cache and the Geocache Listing Guidelines before submitting a cache for review.
Geocaching.com relies on the geocaching community to abide by the geocaching guidelines, to ensure that permission for cache placement has been sought, to provide accurate coordinates, and to keep the contents appropriate for a family friendly audience.
It's great for the family and it will take you places that you would otherwise probably have never seen!
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